Munich brewery west entrance

Furniture and planters outside the entrance

Outside the west entrance we where privileged of furnishing a social area for all workers in the building. The round, dark grey, furniture goes well to the red/orange brick wall building. The organid round shapes softens the otherwise harsh environment. The great cortén steel planters are specially designed by Widala for this specific project.


Photo: Widala

Photo: Widala


A place for a quiet pause during a work day

The building houses many employees from different companies that wished for a place outdoor to relax at. Having the possibility of bringing a cup of coffe or a lunch box to enjoy the sun for some minutes gives a great pause in the work day.


Planter for smaller trees

Some of the products from the series Elements gives that little extra when they are used. The great planters that fit smaller trees is one example of that. The tree creates an organic feeling in contrast to the surroundings.


Client: AFA Real Estate
Finished: 2020
Decorator: Widala

Planteringskärl Elements D1000 H 700

Planter Elements D100 H70 cm

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